The Guardian Android game is a wonderful way to bond with your friends and family, but it’s also a great way to get exercise. The game has been developed by the same team that brought us Pokemon Go, which means that it’s fun for all ages. In this guide, we’ll explain how you can play this exciting new game on your phone or tablet.
Play the role
In the game, you play as a Guardian Android. The players control these robots and use them to fight against enemies. The game has five different modes: Normal Mode, Hard Mode, Hell Mode, Legendary Mode, and Abyss Mode. In Normal mode, you will have to fight against enemies by yourself without any help from other players or bots if there are no online players present at this moment on your server (or in case you don’t want them). When playing co-operatively with other people (or bots), you can choose between three different roles: hero – a player who enters first into battle; villain – a player who attacks others first; droid – a player who heals others when they’re low on health points but also deals damage when attacked by an enemy himself/herself so watch out!
Unlock new regions and dungeons
You can unlock new regions and dungeons by collecting enough energy. To unlock a region, you must gather enough energy to move on to the next level. Each time you do this, there will be an increase in difficulty (more enemies). You may want to wait until your android is strong enough before moving on so that he can handle all of the extra challenges that come with a higher-level region. Once a player has unlocked all five regions on his map, he will have access to all dungeons within them. This means that if he finds himself stuck at any point during his questing journey through these lands, he can revisit older ones for more experience points!
Raid dungeons to defeat powerful bosses
You can raid dungeons to defeat powerful bosses. These bosses will drop loot, which you can use to upgrade your heroes and unlock new abilities. The gameplay is pretty simple: tap to attack, swipe or drag different skills for different effects, and use potions when your health is low. You can also equip a variety of items like armor, weapons, and accessories, which will increase your stats.
Upgrade your heroes and unlock new abilities
As you play, you’ll notice that your heroes can be upgraded. The first time you upgrade a hero, they will earn an additional skill slot and be able to use two abilities at once. You can also unlock new powers for your existing skills by using shards from the in-game store or earning them through daily quests (which we’ll cover later). When upgrading heroes, there are three different methods: The first is to use coins earned by playing the game; this method is slow but cost-effective because each coin costs only 100 gems ($1 USD). The second way is by purchasing gem packs with real money – these tend not to offer good value compared with other methods of spending money on Guardians of Middle Earth 2 if all you want is more powerful characters as opposed to vanity items such as skins/dyes etc., but they do allow players who are short on time but have plenty of disposable income access powerful upgrades quickly without having spent months grinding away in order to save up enough currency for those same upgrades via other methods like completing daily quests or buying shard packs directly from developers (which often sell at higher prices than what would normally be considered fair.
Finally, there’s always the option of simply waiting until weekly events where certain heroes become available for purchase at discounted prices due primarily because these particular versions come pre-upgraded and therefore don’t require any additional resources before being ready for battle!
Full of amazing features
Guardian Android Game is a free game available on both Google Play Store and App Store. It has many amazing features such as:
- Role-Playing Game – In this mode, you can play as a superhero or supervillain who will do their best to beat the other team by using special powers like flying and shooting lasers from your eyes!
- Racing Mode – You can race against other players in real-time or against AI-controlled cars with different stats depending on how good they are at racing (speed, acceleration etc). This mode also gives players an opportunity to win prizes such as gems which can be used for upgrading your car’s engine so it goes faster than before!
There are many more exciting modes such as Battle Royale where two teams fight each other until only one player remains standing; Deathmatch where everyone tries killing each other until there’s only one winner left standing (and he gets bragging rights); Survival Mode where every few minutes another wave of enemies attacks so players must defend themselves well enough until time runs out; Team Deathmatch where two teams face off each other trying not only survive but also kill all their opponents’ members before it becomes too late.
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learned more about the Guardian Android Game. If you are looking for an exciting game to play on your phone, then you should definitely check out this title! It has many great features including raids, dungeons, and more.